3d Innovations Ltd Publisher Exchange - The content management system (CMS) for Profiler

User Authentication

3di will not be liable to any recipient of the information herein contained. Profiler is provided on an "as is" basis and we do not make any representations or warranties if such information subsequently proves to be inaccurate or out of date. We cannot be held liable for any consequential loss resulting from the information we provide.

Any decision made in relation to purchasing products and / or services as a result of information obtained from Profiler is your sole responsibility. The only warranty we can give regarding the information contained herein is to state that all reasonable endeavours are made to ensure the accuracy of information and remove inaccurate information as soon as we are able to do so.

By continuing to use this product you agree to the above terms and conditions.

© 3d Innovations Ltd. 2008 Significant personal liability and possible prosecution will result from any copying, use or disclosure of these materials. Your access to these materials, even if under instruction by your employer, is unlawful unless you are specifically authorised, by name, in a current 3di innovations contract or non-disclosure agreement. Any actions taken by you or with your knowledge or participation, can subject you to such liability.